This is a placeholder page for Annual Meeting 2016. The header image currently in place on this page is an example and does not necessarily need to be used on the final page. When it's time for this page to go live, please link to it on the Special Events category page in the links bar next to the large blue text that says "Our Special Events." Please also write a sentence or two in the text box below that,  add an image representing the event into the category page's header slideshow, and attach a flyer for the event on that page if applicable. Lastly, please remember that when making this page visible to users of the website, you should do so both on the top ribbon (the one with the colorful buttons) and the bottom ribbon (the one with the gray links next to the copyright notice), and ensure that the page is categorized the same way in both menus.



5089 Johnstown Rd New Albany OH 43054 US