
5089 Johnstown Rd New Albany OH 43054 US

Founded in 1977, Temple Beth Shalom (TBS) is the center of Jewish life in New Albany, a vibrant community near Columbus, Ohio. One of the first things you see upon arrival is our welcoming sign: “Temple Beth Shalom: Joyful, Personal, Accessible”. When you walk inside, you’ll find a community of all ages, with diverse backgrounds, and a wide range of interests. What we have in common is a deep commitment to promoting an inclusive and responsive connection to Judaism that is actively Joyful, intentionally Personal, and Accessible to all.

Whether we are singing together in ancient prayer, collecting items for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank, or sharing a meal after a “First Friday” Shabbat service, TBS is a place of Joyful connection. Joy is a message that sustains us, and helps guide us through the everyday adventures of life. Our services are unique and inspiring, featuring toe-tapping “Shabband” musical performances and insightful speakers. TBS’ dynamic Kehillat Torah Religious School provides a lasting foundation of Jewish life for over 250 students, fostering strong peer bonds and friendships that last a lifetime.

At TBS, Personal is a verb. We find God in our connections to one another: In every meal brought to someone recovering from an illness, in every laugh around a Shabbat dinner table, in every hug comforting a mourner. Our ever-growing list of congregant-led affinity groups is the Personal in action, with options such as fine dining outings, support for parents of special-needs children, biking excursions, and even a creative writing guild. Many arrivals to Columbus quickly find that TBS is the perfect place to call their new Jewish home.

We are guided by the holy standard from the Book of Isaiah, “My house shall be a house of prayer for ALL people.” TBS is a Jewish home to anyone who is searching, however they may be searching. We welcome those who are “twice blessed” in the LGBTQ community, those from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, and interfaith households. We invite all to participate in our Shabbat services and lifecycle events.

Watch our promo video and hear what TBS members, staff, and clergy say about our Joyful, Personal, Accessible community.

Visit our "Become A Member" Page for our online membership application. Contact Becca, our Director of Membership & Engagement, at becca@tbsohio.org with questions.

Temple Beth Shalom is a warm and inclusive congregation whose members are inspired to explore and express Judaism within the broad and dynamic framework of Reform beliefs and practices. We seek to provide Jewish spiritual, educational and social opportunities which encourage personal development and social responsibility as well as promote greater knowledge of our Jewish history and culture.